Monday, May 10, 2010

After a series of attacks across Iraq, there has been killed at least 58 people and injured another 222 today. Most of the bombings and shootings were aimed at security forces . The attack that took the most causalitiesa happened in Hilla, in the southern province of Babil. Three bombings there killed 36 people and wounded 140. First came a double car bombing that killed 23 people and wounded 110. A suicide bomber struck as medics and security forces responded to those blasts, killing and wounding more. The bombs were detonated by a factory where several people were working. They have not been able to say exactly who triggered the attacks but it most like to be the al qaeda who is known for such actions. The first attacks were on the city of baghdad at dawn. They opened fire on security around 5 30 am wounding 12, adding 3 road side bombings equaling 10 wounded there, leaving the total at 22 already.

This is just sad to read, its hard to know that innocent people across the world are dying for no reason. I believe that we need to stop these killings, or get out of their. I do believe tho that we must end what we started over there because if we werent their they would be doing more terrible things. There is nothing you can really do to prevent these killings, its just a sacrafice these heros are taking to protcet our freedom and show patriotism to thier nations that i have very thankful for.

Some Chicago mothers mark day with tears for slain children

One by one, they filed toward a newly made sculpture at the city's St. Sabina Church, putting small white cards emblazoned with names of the children who were killed and placed them by these scultures."Today, as I woke up, instead of what a lot of mothers get, which are flowers or Happy Mom's Day or a kiss, I didn't get any of that," said Maria Ramirez, whose son, Matthew, was killed at 16. "I don't even get to hear anybody say 'Mama' anymore. I'll never hear that again." Blair, a boy who died, jumped in front of a bullet to save a girl, he was 16.Last month, the streets had taken 7 peoples live and had left 18 wounded. The crime rate increased 11 percent this year, homicide was risen 8 percent. 127 have been recoreded already this year, which is already 3 more than the yearly total in 2008.

I like how these children were honored for the heroic tasks, even if they were young. It takes a lot for someone of that age to give up thier life, just to save another. Reasons like this make me proud to say that i live in America, how many other places could you go to and have this happen. On the downside, these numbers of deaths need to decrease. They need to tighten up on the police force and make the streets a safer place to live, if not, people are going to want to move out of the city, making it harder for people to find jobs which while lead to poverty. Plus, you dont want to be scared or having the thought that any second you could be shot and killed for no reason.

Stock futures surge on rescue plan

The stock market is most likely going to see a raise in the dow jones in the future. Due to the recent progresses in the European stock market, it will likely effect the whole world economy. The euro union approved a 900 million dollar bailout plan to stabalize the market and help greece get out of debt. The European rescue pacakge, valued at more than $1 trillion, has three main components. The biggest provision will use nearly $570 billion to create government-backed loans meant to shore up confidence in shaky credit markets.

This is a good idea, i like how the countrys came together in a tough time to solve their proplems by creating one big group to each chip in. I think that the US should try this instead of being independent we need help, we have more debt than the whole world combined and that is a bad burden we have to live with. This number needs to decrease and we need to stop spending money that are not important. We need to think of plan like this that will get us out of debt.