Thursday, April 29, 2010

ISSUE #3: Putting Welfare to Work.

Today, in America, we see the highest poverty rate known to America since it was recorderd in 1975. The Temporary Assistance for Need Familys or also know as TANF has been working on decreasing the number of families they deal with and the number of people on welfare to make the poverty rate decrease. There are less people on the welfare program today, but these are low-paying jobs the people who work this jobs will gain skills to make then excel to find a better job. Most people who are off the welfare plan are forced off because of time limits and are forced to go on other government programs like Medicaid or food stamps. These are not the only government supported groups that are dramatically changing. There is more and more child support money being paid each and every day. In our current country and society you would see more single moms working than you would have 10-20 years ago. The government is encouraging more single mothers to get married so they do not fall through financially. To go along with the poverty, 43% of those people who live in poverty make less than 19,450 dollars a year. This is a umrealistic number to live off of. Many of the children are affected by this new law, they are the few who are seeing a positive outcome, there is less child poverty today.

I believe that these government programs are neccesary, but people should not be to reliable on them. People need to learn how to work and have responsibility, it is not bad to be on welfare for a while if you have just recently had a child but i agree that the plan should be limited. People have become to dependent on such progams. The poverty level will not raise soon, but once people get off government programs and start working you will see the level rise as these people gain skills and eventually work their way up to earn more money. This will boost our economy due to interdependence and business will rely on these people to help out our economy, which will boost those companys these people will eventually work for

Issue 1-

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Healt Care

President Obama has recently signed the health care bill that will require all American citizens to have health care. For many people this is a good thing, such as people who work hard but have little income and cant afford to go to the doctor, now they will be able to for little to no cost. The problem that i have with this is that there are going to be many people who will abuse this luxury. When you think of Minnesota, you generally think of nice, hard working outdoorsmen. I believe that we are all three of these and that most people in our state have earned the things they have by toughning up through the hard times instead of wining and blaming the problem on somebody else. We are going to have to pay more in taxes, but what are we going to get out of it. I know that there are going to be people who, now, will not have any drive to get off their couch and get a job, instead, they know that all of the problems will be paid for by the other hard working Americans. Also, the cost of this plan is very high, and considering that we are already trillions in debt i do not believe at this place in time that the Health Care package is the right thing for our counrty right now.

'We aren't in Google anymore'

This was a joke that google did for april fools day. A little bit a go the mayor of Topeka Kansas( the birthplace of google) said that he was going to change the name of his town to Google just for a month. When asked by CNN the reasoing of why he was going to do this he simply said, for fun. So today google, instead of having the usual google on the home page it said TOPEKA in its usual colors.

I think that this is very clever for Google to do and also i think its good to hear things like this. Now, on the news all you hear is bad things taht are going on in the world, but this still shows that people have a humerous side and there not just all caught up in politics.
Sultan commutes woman's caning sentence, lawyer says. Islamic law dictates caning Muslims seen drinking alcohol. In Malaysia, Islamic courts operate alongside civil ones. She is likely to be fined somewhere around 1400 dollars for drinking beer in a hotel. Caning is not the usaully outcome for a crime of this size.

This is just terrible to think that someone was caned for doing something as little as drinking beer in public. I am not saying that these cultures practices are wierd or wrong, i just do not agree wiht them and think that they should be changed. People should be treated equally around the world. It shouldnt matter what sex you are or race, we are people of this earth. I hope that this women does not get these punishments and that the Islamic people understand that this is wrong of them to do.

Recovery from Rhode Island flooding could take months

Floodwaters begin to recede in Rhode Island as residents survey damage. Officials say cost of flood damage believed to be millions of dollars. Pawtuxet River in Cranston, Rhode Island, is not likely to fall below flood stage until Sunday.

I think that flooding is a very bad thing that really cant be prevented there is only such much a community can do to keep the water level down. You can sand bag and prepare bulidings, house, and things to take on as much as possible. But in the end the water cannot be stopped, all we can do is wait out the storm and hope for the best. It is a bad thing to have experience because of the lack of control we have over it. It these hard times, the real inner person on people come out as they show their support for their friends, neighbors, and community.