Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Parents stand by teacher at Georgia 'dirty dancing' trial

In a Georgia there was a community who had 3 students practice bad behavior. It was in a choir class and they were playing the game pass the mic. It came time for these 3 boys to perform a song and they started dancing, taking off their shirts and becoming suggesting sexual behavior on the floor. The boys did not get in any trouble, but not the teacher who was in the class room has his trial next week. They said that he was laughing and clapping along and that he was egging on the situation. Just recently the choir teachers lawyer came out and said that the 3 boys will be getting charged too, to prevent them from coming out against the teacher or trying to get him into more trouble. If convicted the teacher could face jail time and his teachers liscense suspended indefinetely. The parents at the school and of the boys who performed these actions are standing up for the teacher. They think he is a great teacher, leader, and all around very good person. Also they think that this issue has gotten way out of hand and that it was the boys fault for what they did but it shouldnt be handled in court.

I strongly agree with what the parents are saying. It was the boys fault who did these foolish things just to get attention but the sitaution has blown up way bigger than it should have. This has nothing to do with the teacher. Although he could have stopped the boys from performing such actions, he probably did, but just at the wrong time. I especially dont think that any jail time should be faced or his teacher liscence taken again because then this little incident would reck this mans life and leave him with nothing.

CDC: H1N1 still causing serious illness

There are many cases of H1N1 that have been reoccuring in small local communitites in the southern states of Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina. Georgia has the most lab confirmed cases out all of the states and there has been 190 patients hospitilized bewtween the dates of Februrary 24 and March 15. Most cases are invloving adults who have chronic health issues. There is an estimaed 60 million Americans who have had the swine flu but the number is decreases due to better treatment and virus control for this health issue. The reason of why these cases of swine flue are unknown currently and the main doctor said she is concerned about the supply of vaccines for the common folk because all of the vaccines will be given to those who have diabetes, heart issue, or are pregnant.

I believe that there is only so much we can do with who illiness. Doctors are working long hours and putting alot of effort into finding vaccines that will cure this disease properly. I think there are ways to prevent illnesss' tho by getting a good amount of sleep everynight, eating the right foods, and washing your hands as much as possible will all help your body fight the virus. This is a virus that has killed many of our fellow citizens and we should try our hardest to stop it from killing anymore people.

Moscow Mourns Subway Bombers

Recently in Moscow Russia, two women walked into two seperate statons during a heavy travel hour strapped with explosives killing 39 people and leaving around 60 wounded. On tuesday the people of Moscow mourned these deaths by lowering flags halfway all across town and many people tretreating to the stations where these tradijes occured. Most television stations canceled their shows that day. Atfter being closed for most of the day, both stations opened up around 5 pm on monday with heavy security having a visuale cop on all trains. Federal security in Moscow believes it was a terorist group from the North Caucasus. They believe it was Cherchen people who have been fighting for the independence. The US showed support against these terrorist acts.

I dont really understand why people do such things and would kill themselves just to show hatred or how they think that its supporting a cause they are fighting for. I believe its just stupidity and disagree wiht all of these acts. This group may have a right to want independence from Russia but this is not the way to handle things or to protest. This probably only hurt their cause for freedom becausenow all the did was make the Russian people more upset and will keep them from having any privelages or higher power.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bank Robber Calls Ahead

In Fairfield Connecticut two people tried to rob a bank by calling in advance and telling them to have 100,000 dollars ready and that they will be there to pick up the money. The teller instantly called 911 informing them of the situation and the bank went on lockdown. The suspect entered the bank right after calling in his request. The teller filled a bag with 900 dollars and then the supsect asked to be released from the bank. He walked out the front door with the bag and was immediately arrested along with his partner.

This is very funny to think of that somebody would do this. They didnt think this one through very well. It was a bad attempt at robbing a bank. They should have known that they would call the cops right after